Featuring a breathtaking suspension bridge, two river crossings (North Saskatchewan and Siffleur), a boardwalk portion, panoramic canyon and mountain views, lush forested sections, the quietude of the Alberta backcountry and 3 thundering waterfalls – Siffleur Falls Trail is a impressive hike.
The first portion of the hike meanders past the North Sasktachewan River…
Cross the beaming suspension bridge over the North Saskatechwan River as you take in the sites around you…
Next, follow the expansive wooden boardwalk through the wind-swept flatlands of the Kootenay Plains…
Once the boardwalk ends, a gravel road will lead you to the Siffleur Falls River crossing…
Again cross the scenic river and enjoy panoramic wide-open views…
Follow the path upwards and alongside the steep canyon. Enjoy the impressive views while obeying the posted safety signage. Use precaution while enjoying this naturally stunning hike…
This leads you to the Siffleur Falls viewpoint, with safe viewing vantage points of the beautiful waterfall from the guard-railed platforms. Again, keep on the path and use precaution…
If time, energy and curiosity permits – hike on another 2 1/2 kilometres to the second waterfall and yet another 1 1/2 kilometres to the third waterfall. However, if all you have time for is the first waterfall, that’s okay – this 4km David Thompson Country hike offers breathtaking views and plenty of adventure. Definitely one to add to your Alberta bucketlist.
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